Friday, December 28, 2018


Hi everybody,

This blog will be all about taking advantage of free web translation services, namely Google Translate. The premise is simple, put some text, being it song lyrics, quotes, lines of dialogue, ad slogans etc, put it in Google Translate, run the text through a bunch of languages and back into english, and see what's come out. That's pretty much it. No big lofty goals, just something to make you smile if you're in the mood or having a rough day.

I'm aiming to publish new translations Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, an hoping to stockpile enough material to keep this going for a while.

For requests, please note that I will only be translating what is legally free and available to the public, and will not translate any content like book passages or particularly spoilerific or plot heavy material relating to narratives like books, TV show and movies. Classic material like Shakespeare is fair game though, and it's been around long enough that statute of limitations on spoilers ran out years and years ago. Any audiovisual material will be linked to on the post, and if limited excerpts are all there is, links to where the material can be purchased will be provided.

1 comment:

  1. How about some nursery rhymes? No idea if that'll work, just a random thought!

    Have fun with the blog
