Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Horoscope: January 8th

You see them in the newspaper, the TV guide and those tabloids that always seem to occupy the waiting area of take outs and the waiting room for the doctor or dentist. You may even have a quick skim if you're not in a rush. Horoscopes are vague enough at the best of times, but what if the position of the planets and secrets of the stars were viewed through Google Translate? Astonishingly it makes more sense than you'd expect...

December 22 - January 21
Are you tired? Did you run too much in the middle of the night? It's time to live again. Venus urges you to meditate, reflect on or change the way that works best for you.

January 21 - February 19
It's time to connect with the storm when connecting people from different places of life, online and personal. Who knows where it will bring a different relationship?

February 20 - March 20
It's time to beautify your work or learn more space by things like flowers that are varied, stimulating music or skin color. If your natural pleasure is satisfied, your product will grow.

AriesMarch 21 - April 20
Venus moved to an adventure zone until February 3. It's a good time to organize the next holiday. We hope a relaxed and beautiful environment with a pleasant environment and good food.

April 21 - May 21
Bulls can be very mild. Venus is now a burned and symbolic symbol of Sagittarius until February 3. It can make you feel stronger and stronger than usual.

From May 22 to June 21
Desperate connections are growing, because Venus's peaceful planet will visit your partner zone on February 3. To be overly diplomatic if you have family and friends problems.

From June 22 to July 23
Under the joy of the Venus planet, the time is more than you love. You also make good food, do fine crafts, or join your friends.

July 24 - August 23
Friendship grows, while Venus attracts and attracts other interests. So good is your friend today.

August 24 - September 23
Do you have any problems with family members? Negotiations on the planet Venus encourage you to store the olive-leaf branch, if you are willing and compromised.

September 24 - October 23
Protector of planet Venus encourages you to help others in the local community. Relationship with your neighbor or neighbor should also improve, as long as you are willing to listen.

October 24 - November 23
Do you worry about money problems? During the next few weeks, Venus will help improve the financial situation. But you will find it if you choose more than you are saved!

November 23, 22nd of December
Venus is a sign of today, which lasts until February 3. It will add to your beauty and overcome your beliefs. But it also adds to your desire to be luxurious and pleasing.

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